Kristen Stewart has said she thinks her sexuality has proven to be "confusing" to people, saying it can be hard to "find the right words for it".
But the W Hi Twilight star has spoken openly about their relationship, she admitted it wasn't always easy to discuss her personal life.
Speaking to the Mirror, Stewart said: "I think the hardest part was finding the right words, because everyone's experience is different.
“As an actor, you just want to reveal yourself. And so, it's really counterintuitive to say, 'Wait, but not here. In my private life, what is it, I am an actor.
"I don't really want privacy. I don't want the details of my life to be grossly consumed and commodified. But at the same time I don't want to hide anything. »
Stewart said some fans haven't been able to figure out her bisexuality, but added that she doesn't care too much.
She said: “It was confusing for others.
“I was fine. I was one sided for a long time and was no different once I started dating other people. Unless you say the words, because words matter, you're not completely out yet. »
Stewart previously revealed how she and Meyer first met on a movie set six years ago, but later reconnected at a friend's birthday party.
Speaking on Howard Stern's radio show, Stewart said: "The day I met her, all bets were off.
"I was like, 'Where have I been and how did I not know you?' She's, like, lived in LA alongside my life somehow, but never converged? »
Revealing how quickly their relationship evolved, Stewart went on to say, "It was really late, and we were at a shitty bar, and his friends were there or whatever, and they like to hang out, and I was like, 'Oh man, I'm so fucking in love with you.
"It wasn't like a thing, and it was also so obvious. It's just.
“We're both from LA and we really love LA. We are both scumbags. We both felt like trolls when we were kids. We are so similar yet different. She's a brilliant writer. »
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