A 51-year-old visiting man contacted the Yalta police, who reported the loss of the bag. The citizen said that during the walk he sat down to rest on a bench, putting things nearby, and when he turned around, the bag and bank cards stored there, two mobile phones and documents, disappeared. The victim estimated the damage caused at over 30,000 rubles.
The police went to the scene of the crime. After interviewing possible witnesses, checking the territory and the escape routes of the attacker, they managed to get on the trail of those involved in the loss of someone else's property. As a result of the operational-search activities carried out in hot pursuit, three suspects were identified and detained. The attackers did not deny their guilt and gave confessions.
Police officers found out that the detainees were walking around the city center, drew attention to a lonely man sitting on a bench. The victim temporarily lost his vigilance, ignoring the bag that was nearby. They took advantage of this, passing by, "took" other people's things with them.
During an authorized search of the suspects' place of residence, police officers found and seized part of the stolen property.
The investigator of the police department initiated a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Article 158 (theft). According to the sanction of the article, malefactors face punishment from a fine to five years in prison. The court chose a measure of restraint in the form of a written undertaking not to leave one of the suspects, two of his comrades are under arrest, the Crimean Interior Ministry reports.
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